Madagascar, situated off the coast of Mozambique in the Indian Ocean, is believed to be the oldest island on the planet.
The country is home to more than 200,000 species, and it's estimated that 90% are found nowhere else on Earth. Since 1986, Durrell has been working to protect Madagascar's most endangered wildlife and secure the future of nature-dependent communities.
Alongside the local government, NGOs and community partners, the team works across several important wetland and dry forest areas, all home to highly threatened native species, such as the ploughshare tortoise, Alaotran gentle lemur, and Madagascar pochard.

target species
programme sites
hectares protected
What we're doing to help in Madagascar
Our partners
Fanamby | Madagascar National Parks | Alaotra Rano Soa | Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust | Aga Khan Foundation | Asity | Royal Botanic Gardens Kew | Missouri Botanical Gardens | The Peregrine Fund | Madagasikara Voakajy | Government of Madagascar | TRAFFIC | Cops Without Borders | DLA Piper | Marie Stopes Madagascar | CARE International | University of Antananarivo | University of Mahajanga | Jersey Overseas Aid

Our team in Madagascar are working to protect the Alaotran gentle lemur, bokiboky, Durrell's vontsira, giant jumping rat, Madagascar flat-tailed tortoise, Madagascar pochard, Madagascar pond heron, Madagascar big-headed turtle, Madagascar teal, Meller's duck and the ploughshare tortoise.
Watch the Durrell Lecture: The Magic of Madagascar to find out how our team is rising to meet the challenges of protecting some of the rarest animals on the planet.

Enabling Change: Improving wellbeing for nature-dependent communities in Madagascar
Saving species from extinction in their natural habitat almost always means securing the futures of people whose lives depend on those habitats. Growing populations and global interests are rapidly using up our natural resources faster than they can be replenished, and this loss is felt most by local and indigenous peoples who rely on natural resources for their daily survival.
Enabling Change, supported by Jersey Overseas Aid, aims to enhance the wellbeing of over 2,000 nature-dependent households in 20 communities through improved food security, reproductive health, local governance, and better access to community finance schemes.