Many of the species that were historically found in Wales have disappeared.

The UK is one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries and is losing species at an alarming rate. Habitat loss, persecution and pollution have all contributed to a decline in species populations. White-tailed eagles and European wildcats were once seen across Wales and we’re working with local communities and partners to return them to the Welsh landscape. We’re aiming to restore lost natural heritage and empower people’s connection to nature.  

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Our conservation work

What we're doing to help in Wales

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Returning white-tailed eagles to Wales

The white-tailed eagle, known as Eryr y môr in Welsh, was once widespread across Wales. However, this species has been missing from freshwater and marine habitats for over 150 years.
What we're doing to help
Working collaboratively with partners and local communities, we’re assessing the feasibility of reintroducing the species to southeast Wales. A large part of this work is spending time with the local communities and stakeholders to share information about the species and build long-lasting relationships before any releases are undertaken.
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Returning wildcats to Wales

Historically, European wildcats were found across the UK, but now there’s only one remaining population in the remote Scottish Highlands which is itself threatened with extinction. Human persecution, habitat loss and hybridisation through breeding with feral cats led to its decline.
What we're doing to help
Alongside our partners, we’re assessing the feasibility of reintroducing the species to suitable landscapes in Wales. Together, we’re combining our skills and experience in species reintroductions, breeding wildcats, and restoring ecosystems to establish a self-sustaining wildcat population.

Education and outreach

We have launched a programme in Wales to support our two species projects by engaging schools and community groups. The sessions and events aim to raise the profile of Wales’s missing and threatened species and foster a love of nature.
What we're doing to help
Schools 4 Species is a scheme currently running is southern Wales. It has been developed with three key elements for schools; learning sessions including fieldtrips, workshops and lectures, an art competition celebrating Welsh wildlife, and regional schools’ conferences that bring students together for a day of activities and talks to promote nature connection and empower young people to stand for nature.

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