
New TV series shows life at Jersey Zoo like you’ve never seen it before

A new, six-part TV series showing life behind the scenes at Jersey Zoo starts on Channel 5 on Saturday 9th October. “Talking Animals: Tales from the Zoo” follows daily life at the zoo from the animals’ point of view, with a little help from the keepers, of course!

From gorillas to flamingos and bears to adders, the animals voice their opinions about their lives, bringing insight and humour to this family-friendly show. In each episode, viewers will discover the secrets of some of the most precious animals on Earth and meet the dedicated keepers who are working to save them from extinction. From training tamarins to live wild in the zoo’s woods, to becoming mum to flamingo babies, every day is filled with animal drama. 

“We are excited for this fun, family-friendly TV show about life at the zoo to air on Channel 5 this weekend,” says Dr Lesley Dickie, CEO of Durrell. “The series was filmed here during the summer of 2019, so while the animal news is not current, each episode is filled with light-hearted animal antics, which we hope will put a smile on viewers’ faces. I am sure that our regular visitors and members will enjoy seeing their favourite animals and keepers, and that this unique approach to our work will bring new people to discover Jersey Zoo and our work saving the world’s most threatened wildlife.” 

Tune in to watch the show on Saturdays at 10.30am or catch up on the My5 app after the episodes have aired. The series, produced by Emporium Productions, will be available to watch in the Channel Islands, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, and the Isle of Man. 

Photo credits: ring-tailed lemur – Mark Beresford