Meet our fabulous flamingos and experience their elegant ‘head-flagging’ and ‘wing salute’ behaviours
Our flock of over 80 Chilean flamingos live in the large central valley on naturalistic mud flats next to the stream that runs through the zoo grounds. They spend their days feeding near these mud flats and swimming in the stream, and at night often rest on the grassy banks further up the valley.

Estimated number in the wild
Days incubating egg
Species of flamingo

Getting to know our flamingos
You can tell the age of the flamingos in our flock by looking at the feathers on their necks. If the feathers are light grey, they are youngsters, as flamingos are born grey and fluffy.
During late summer, our flamingos will begin their breeding rituals where they turn their heads from side to side in unison, and stretch their wings out in salute to each other.

Flamingos face an uncertain future in the wild
In Bolivia, colonies have completely failed largely because their eggs are harvested to be sold as food and medicine.
Across South America their habitat is under threat from mining companies that wish to use the rich minerals that have been carried into the flamingos’ grounds by rivers and streams for thousands of years.
At Mar Chiquita Lake in Argentina, perhaps the flamingos’ most important breeding ground, the threat of water being redirected for the irrigation of farmland is a constant concern.
Help us care for our flamingos