Meet the gang of golden lion tamarins
The golden lion tamarins live alongside the emperor tamarins near Café Dodo. Although they’re small, their golden coats make them (slightly) easier to spot. In the wild, the tamarins are facing extensive deforestation of their rainforest home. Sadly there are now more golden lion tamarins in captivity than in the wild. Thanks to conservation efforts, many tamarins were translocated and released into safe nature reserves in Brazil. Their conservation status has now improved, but deforestation of their natural habitat continues at an alarming rate.

mature adults in wild
average weight
20+ years
lifespan in captivity

Golden lion tamarins face many threats in the wild
The south-eastern area of Brazil where golden lion tamarins live is heavily populated, and only 2% of their rainforest habitat remains. During the 1970s, it was estimated that only 200 golden lion tamarins remained in the wild. This was due to extensive deforestation and being captured for the pet trade.
We successfully bred our first golden lion tamarins here at Jersey Zoo in 1980. As reintroduction of the species was vital to save the wild populations from extinction, in 1990 we began to free-roam this species in Tamarin Woods so they knew how to navigate a forest habitat safely. Golden lion tamarins have now been released into the wild, and populations have been translocated to nearby nature reserves in Brazil. This conservation work led the golden lion tamarin being reclassified from critically endangered to endangered in 2003 but captive populations and intensive management of their wild habitat is still vital.
Help us care for the golden lion tamarins