Please note: There is ongoing work around the gorilla house as we build their brand-new, purpose-built home, due to open in 2025.
Meet our gorilla troop and see how this fascinating family functions
Jersey Zoo has been home to western lowland gorillas for more than 60 years, successfully breeding them and training conservationists to protect these majestic apes in the wild.
Our current family, led by dominant silverback Badongo, has an extensive outdoor enclosure, full of long grass to walk through, platforms to stand on, robust ladders to climb, and leaves to forage. See the troop for yourself in their habitat just beyond Café Dodo and the tamarin enclosures.

DNA shared with humans
Years Jersey Zoo has cared for gorillas
Estimated wild population
Gorillas at Jersey Zoo
Meet the troop

Badongo – the leader of the troop
Silverback Badongo is mostly calm and quiet, until someone starts squabbling! His favourite food is coconut.

Bahasha – the dominant female
Bahasha is the caring, patient and protective mum to Amari. She loves tucking into her leafy greens, when Amari isn't trying to steal them that is!

Amari – the baby of the group
Cheeky little Amari is the offspring of Badongo and Bahasha. Her favourite food is pear and she loves to wind up her dad!

Hlala Kahilli – the foodie
Usually the first to finish every meal, Kahilli's favourite food is curly willow. Her dad was the much-loved silverback, Jambo.

It's an exciting time at Jersey Zoo, as we build our brand new gorilla house
Our current gorilla house was opened in 1981 and has been in use for over 40 years. This new building will give our gorillas much more space to roam around in, as well as be more sustainable for us to run.

Gorillas remain critically endangered
Just 316,000 western lowland gorillas are estimated to remain in the wild today. 80% of these live outside of protected areas. Troops across Central Africa are threatened by a wide range of issues, including hunting and poaching for bushmeat, the illegal pet trade, destruction of habitat by humans, and the effects of climate change on water sources and habitat.

Protection in the wild
Our 60+ year relationship with gorillas has helped us develop a better understanding of their diets, mental and physical stimulation, and how they form stable social groups.
This valuable knowledge has helped inform the Gorilla Guardian programme, our initiative that has so far trained nine conservationists from Central Africa. The programme provides participants the skills needed to manage and lead effective gorilla conservation projects in their home countries.
Help us care for our gorillas