How to find us

Jersey Zoo is four miles north of St Helier in the parish of Trinity and is easy to reach by car, bicycle, public bus or coach.


Jersey Zoo
La Profonde Rue

Telephone: +44 (0) 1534 860 000

By car

You can reach the zoo on the B31. There is free parking for over 300 cars and accessible parking close to the main entrance.

By bus

There are three regular buses from Liberation Station, St Helier to the zoo – numbers 3, 13, and 23. Visit LibertyBus for timetables.

By bike

Enjoy a stunning countryside cycle ride by taking routes 1, 1b, or 3a. Cycle racks are provided at the zoo. EVie bikes are available to hire across the island.

By coach

The zoo is a major feature of many organised island tours – speak to your hotel or accommodation provider. 

Can we help?

Speak to a member of our Zoo Admissions team


Call us. Speak to our Zoo Admissions Desk.

Call +44 (0) 1534 860071

Email us. Contact our Zoo Admissions Desk.
